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DFDL Vietnam Awarded Deal of the Month for January 2021 by AsiaLaw for Advising on Vietnam’s Largest Waste-to-Energy Plant

AsiaLaw, a leading legal directory focusing on Law firms in Asia, has recognized DFDL and King & Wood Mallesons for January 2021’s Deal of the Month. On this deal, DFDL and King & Wood Mallesons advised on arrangements concerning the USD 195 million financing to Ha Noi Thien Y Environmental Energy for its development of a 75 MW waste-to-energy plant in Hanoi. The deal was particularly notable given the complex cross-border and multi-phase aspects required to bring it to a successful close.

AsiaLaw reports:

NAME: $195 million term loan financing for Vietnam’s largest waste-to-energy plant

LAW FIRM: DFDL, King & Wood Mallesons

LAWYERS: DFDL – Phonganh Hoang, Dave Seibert

King & Wood Mallesons – Michael Lawson, Zhigang Liu, Yinghao Lv, Joaquin Sales, John Shum

JURISDICTION: China, Vietnam

PRACTICE AREAS: Banking and finance


The $195 million term loan financing for Vietnam’s largest waste-to-energy plant is our deal of the month for January.

DFDL and King & Wood Mallesons have advised on a $195 million Sinosure-backed financing to Ha Noi Thien Y Environmental Energy for the development of a 75MW waste-to-energy plant in Hanoi, with KWM advising the mandated lead arrangers and DFDL advising on the Vietnamese legal aspects of the deal.

The new plant would be expected to modernise local garbage treatment and sustainable development with a processing capacity of 4,000 tons of solid waste per day to help treat litter.

With the ability to not only process solid wastes but also generate energy, waste-to-energy technology is believed to be a feasible solution for solid waste problems in many urban districts in Vietnam, including Hanoi and Ho Chi Minh City.”

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