On 27 October 2022, DFDL and Law Purpose, a Chinese service provider for the legal industry, co-hosted the webinar “Legal Risks & Tax Incentives While Doing Business in Thailand.”
The event started with Mariah Liu (Managing Director, Law Purpose) sharing an overview of the Thai business landscape. She discussed current Chinese investment in Thailand and an overview of bilateral trade, investment projects and cited examples of major Chinese enterprises.
Kraisorn Rueangkul (Partner, DFDL) led a session on Thailand’s investment landscape and structure, as well as employment law. He provided an overview of the Foreign Business Act, and the restrictions and challenges faced by foreigners entering the Thai market.
He also discussed the types of businesses allowed for foreigners, and the promotions and incentives available through the Board of Investment, Eastern Economic Corridor, and Industrial Estate Authority of Thailand.
The session on employment focused on the legal framework for Thailand’s labor and employment laws, types of work contracts, work entitlements, employee rights and different scenarios involving employee termination.
The third session, led by Jonathan Blaine (Tax Director; Co-Head of Regional Compliance and Investigations Practice, DFDL), was an overview of taxation in Thailand. He explained the different types of taxes and how they affect business in Thailand. He also discussed certain tax exemptions and benefits that investors might receive through various business promotion schemes. The webinar concluded with an engaging Q&A session.