A panel discussion organized by DFDL and featuring DFDL experts was highlighted on the website of Cambodia Investment Review on 20 June 2022.
The article, headlined “Cambodia’s e-commerce sector seeks clear and regionally uniform regulations,” reported that Nishant Choudhary (Partner and Myanmar Managing Director) was the moderator for the workshop “E-Commerce in Cambodia and Southeast Asia.”
The e-commerce panel included DFDL experts Vinay Ahuja (Partner and Head of Regional Banking, Finance and Technology) and Nearirath Sreng (Deputy Head of Cambodia Banking, Finance and Technology) as well as a special guest speaker: Chris McCarthy, a digital policy expert and CEO of MangoTango Asia.
Nearirath Sreng was quoted as saying: “The Cambodian government is on the right path with the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications now preparing new laws however any law takes a long time to draft and then implement, hence the language in these laws sometimes needs to be deliberately broad due to such a fast-changing industry.”
The report quoted Vinay Ahuja’s comment that “overall usage and population are what drive the direction of the e-commerce market.”
Chris McCarthy was quoted as saying: “Cambodian regulators should ensure, as best as possible, keep regulations in regional unison to make the most out of the recently ratified free trade agreement and across e-commerce platforms.”
The full Cambodia Investment Review article can be read here: https://cambodiainvestmentreview.com/2022/06/20/cambodias-e-commerce-sector-seeks-clear-and-regionally-uniform-regulations/