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Canada – Asean Business Council

With the creation of a single ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) by 2015 bringing a new focus to South East Asia, the Government of Canada, in August of 2012, with Minister of International Trade Ed Fast, announced the creation of the Canada-ASEAN Business Council (CABC). The primary goals of the CABC are to educate their members about ASEAN and its many opportunities and educate ASEAN on Canadian capabilities, guide them to specific business opportunities in the region, map established ASEAN priorities against Canadian business interest, promote Canadian companies to ASEAN and promote ASEAN to Canada, understand, learn and listen to ASEAN’s needs, network: help to building an ASEAN network for Canadian businesses, communicate, establish effective and regular membership, ASEAN, Chambers, and Canadian Government Communication channels of communication, Link Canadian businesses to Canada’s official ASEAN initiatives. Amongst the founding CABC members: Bombardier, RIM, Royal Bank of Canada, Mac Cain, Manulife…