On 29 March 2023, the Ministry of Economy and Finance (“MEF”), in cooperation with the Ministry of Commerce (“MOC”), issued a new regulation regarding the Official Fees for Issuance of Compliance Certificates for Commercial Advertisements on Goods and/or Services in Cambodia (“Prakas 167”).
Prakas 167 provides the official fees, timeline, and validity period for the compliance certificate under Sub-Decree 232 on the Management of Commercial Advertisements of Goods and Services dated 4 November 2022 (“Sub-decree 232”).
Pursuant to Sub-decree 232, in addition to the requirement to obtain a commercial advertising license/permit from the competent authority, any individual who wishes to advertise their goods and/or services may request the compliance certificate or renewal of the compliance certificate from the MOC. This serves as a written certification of the advertisements’ compliance with the Law on Consumer Protection or other applicable regulations.
For more detail on the compliance certificate, please see our earlier alert on Commercial Advertisements and Legal Procedures to Obtain Compliance Certificates.
The official fees and timelines for the compliance certificates issued by the MOC are as follows:
If a person has violated the provisions that are outlined in Prakas 167, such person is penalized pursuant to Articles 19, 20, or 21 of the preceding Sub-Decree 232. Further, the imposition of any penalties under Sub-Decree 232 will not release an offender from any applicable criminal and civil liability.
Should you have any queries on the matters mentioned above, please contact us at cambodia@dfdl.com.
The information provided here is for information purposes only and is not intended to constitute legal advice. Legal advice should be obtained from qualified legal counsel for all specific situations.