On 18 September 2020, Neoventure Corporation organized a webinar event ‘Myanmar Solar Rush: A Blessing or a Hurdle?’ open to all interested industry participants and stakeholders. Nishant Choudhary (DFDL Partner & Myanmar Deputy Managing Director) was pleased to participate as the moderator of this panel discussion. In addition to Nishant, the panel included 4 industry experts.
The event opened with a brief introduction on the Myanmar solar market by Nishant. This was followed by a discussion on the recent 1,040 MW solar power tender introduced by the government. This tender invited bids from renewable energy sector players to develop solar power projects at 30 different sites throughout the country. The panel discussed various options that successful bidders may explore to counteract the stringent time constraints involved in this solar power tender. The bankable aspects of the draft PPA, land procurement issues, feed-in-tariffs and other financing aspects of this tender were also considered at length. Finally, the panelists gave their opinion on the future shape of things to come for the solar market. Nishant also shared his practical on-the-ground experience in handling power projects in Myanmar.
The audience gained invaluable insights on the wider Myanmar solar market and the key concerns surrounding this 1,040 MW solar tender.
If you missed this digital event and want to access the replay, please click here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1SZ5nafjf_3wGaDDPNuV_UxKcDvoKesfh?usp=sharing.