On 15 November 2021, Vinay Ahuja (Partner; Head of Regional Banking, Finance & Technology Practice, Indonesia Practice and India Desk) participated in the IPBA Annual Mid-Year Conference organized by the Inter-Pacific Bar Association (“IPBA”). The key theme of this year’s conference was “Code Red – Our responsibility to the earth” which was a follow up to last year’s hot topic “ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) in Banking and Finance”.
Vinay, along with Vivek Kathpalia (Vice Chair, Banking, Finance and Securities Committee, IPBA) and Catrina Luchsinger (Banking & Finance Partner, MLL Meyerlustenberger Lachenal Froriep) joined the session “What do the ESG financial market laws mean for the companies seeking financing/capital or wanting to keep their stock attractive to investors?”.
Their discussion centered around how the world is becoming more aware of climate change issues and how this will eventually impact the banking & finance industry worldwide. Topics of discussion included:
- How European nations are paving a way to go green and the pressure of these impacts on the financial industry and other companies.
- The financial industry is gearing up for green loans and green asset management and what this means for companies in terms of reporting, business adaptation and remodelling.
- Impact of ESG in Europe and the rest of the world, how each economy is adapting.
- What other regulatory requirements are there for both public and private sector companies to enforce some form of environmental or social responsibility?
- Are we seeing green clauses in financing transactions? What are the foreseeable impacts that may affect clients working in this industry?
- What are the obligations on companies if they wish to issue green bonds?
- Are different associations (ISSB, LMA, APLMA) gearing up to get standard documentation in place and help borrowers understand the requirements they must meet?
The panel discussion was very engaging and well received by those in attendance.