Employment Contracts
Garment Sector
31 August 2011
Dear Clients,
Did you know that the 1997 Cambodian Labor Law (CLL) governs all employment activities in Cambodia and is enforced by the Ministry of Labor & Vocational Training (MLVT)?
The law includes provision on areas such as foreign employees, employment contracts, labor unions, employee benefits, workplace safety, resolution of employment disputes, etc.
In DFDL’s upcoming Legal Breakfast, over coffee and croissants, our resident labor law experts will present their real-life experience and in-depth understanding of controversial issues and discuss the following topics:
- Probationary contracts;
- Fixed Duration Contract-FDC;
- Unlimited Duration Contract-UDC;
- casual employment contracts;
- termination of specially-protected employee; and
- mass Layoffs
Language: English, with Khmer translation available
This event is offered at no cost to executives of our selected clients and is part of our on-going series of seminars and small group presentations on current legal and tax issues in Cambodia. However, places are limited and we recommend that you confirm your attendance as soon as possible. For reservation or inquiry, kindly send an email to Joanna Estember (joanna.estember@dfdl.com) or call Ms. Estember at 077 777 062
Kindest regards,
Olivier Rath Kry
Corporate & Commercial Practice Group
E olivier.kry@dfdl.com