Hong Kong Corporate Counsel Association (HKCCA)
Investing in frontier markets: Vietnam and Myanmar Focus – Legal & Tax
Friday 21 September 2012, Rooms 5001-3, 50/F., Central Plaza 18 Harbour Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong
We would like to invite you to our Business, Legal & Tax Seminar on Friday, 21 September 2012 from 5:00pm until 6:30pm at the Central Plaza, Wanchai, Hong Kong. Executives with interest for South-East Asia frontier markets are encouraged to attend. The DFDL partners presenting will share with members their years of insightfull experience in these hot jurisdictions where practice is critical.
The presentation will be followed by a tasting of a selection of fine wines under the guidance of a French wine expert. Finger food will also be provided at the wine tasting.
Topics will include:
- Myanmar:
- Foreign direct investment and Foreign Investment Law
- Particular legal issues relating to business in Myanmar (shares, trading, state-owned enterprise law)
- Corporate vehicles
- Special Economic Zones
- Examination of certain industries
- Tax and tax treaties
- Predictions of legislation in coming year.
- Vietnam:
- Most important things you should know before investing in Vietnam
- Foreign direct investment
- Vietnam M&A
- Common tax structures
Language: English
James Finch: Partner, Head of Office, Myanmar james.finch@dfdl.com
Jérôme Buzenet: Partner, Managing Director, Vietnam jerome.buzenet@dfdl.com
Please register your attendance by sending an email to: secretariat@hkcca.net
Please note this event is exclusively for HKCCA members. If you are not an HKCCA member but you would like to attend this presentation, you need successfully to apply for membership at www.hkcca.net and pay the membership fee before registering for the event.
If you have any membership queries, please contact HKCCA Secretariat on secretariat@hkcca.net or call: (852) 3667 9205.