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Myanmar in 2013: Law vs. Business Practice — An Insider’s View, 7 August 2013 (Bangkok)


Myanmar in 2013: Law vs. Business Practice — An Insider’s View

7 August 2013 – Bangkok

Myanmar’s investment environment is constantly changing and businesses of all sizes can get lost in the details. To meet the needs of your business, the E-saan Center for Business and Economic Research at Khon Kaen University organized a unique seminar to provide the most up-to-date information on the changes in Myanmar law and new business insights you need to make your business successful.

This seminar was broadcast live to Khon Kaen University. Following the seminar, there was a special networking session to allow guests to meet with experts and others interested in Myanmar.

David Doran, DFDL Partner and Chairman, made a presentation about recent developments in Myanmar and the Mekong region with regard to structuring M&A transactions. 

When: 7 August 2013, 8:15 am – 5:00 pm

Where: Amari Watergate, Bangkok

Cost: 6,900 baht

For more information, please click here.

For the program brochure and agenda, please click here.