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Myanmar Infrastructure Summit 2015, Yangon, Myanmar

When: 1-2 April 2015

Where: Sule-Shangri La, Yangon, Myanmar

James Finch and Nick Towle gave presentations to gathered foreign investors at the second series of the Myanmar Infrastructure summit 2015 (MIS 2015), hosted by the Republic of Union of Myanmar Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry (UMFCCI).

Mr. Finch’s presentation was titled “Legal protection and tax incentives for foreign investors” and was given on 1 April at 11:05am. Mr. Towle presented on the topic of “Financing infrastructure: What the Myanmar law security package provides”.

MIS 2015′ s summary of discussion areas included:

  • Outlook  and opportunities in the Myanmar infrastructure sector
  • Financing options for infrastructure projects in Myanmar
  • Master plan framework for a liveable and sustainable Myanmar
  • Building a low carbon and greener Myanmar
  • Sustainable supply chain management in Myanmar’s infrastructure sector

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