When: 22-23 March 2017
Where: Bangkok, Thailand
DFDL and Asia Business Connect is pleased to organize this 2-day conference on Project Financing Conference 2017: Focusing on Energy, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Sectors which provides winning strategies of how to manage project finance in today’s complex market and combines key aspects of project finance in Thailand and key ASEAN countries. The conference on “Project Financing Conference 2017: Focusing on Energy, Renewable Energy and Infrastructure Sectors ”will examine latest developments & innovative strategies in financing methods/alternatives for new project investment/existing project expansion for project finance practitioners, bankers and project managers and also advanced techniques relevant to the current financial markets. Opportunities for investors in energy & infrastructure across ASEAN, ASEAN infrastructure fund, Thailand mega projects 2017 and ongoing project developments will be highlighted.
DFDL Partner Walter Heiser will be Conference Chairperson for the first day of the key project finance event for the year in Bangkok, Thailand. The agenda for the day covers the energy, renewable energy and infrastructure sectors. Walter will also deliver a detailed presentation on current developments in Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar and Vietnam (CLMV) cross-border projects as part of the event.
- EXECUTIVE ROUNDTABLE DISCUSSION on Key challenges and opportunities for investors in project finance on energy & infrastructure across ASEAN
- KEY TOPIC HIGHLIGHTS Benchmark your current strategies and initiatives with other leading companies
- New developments, trends and policies updates of project financing in Thailand 2017
- Market update: Current developments in FinTech CLMV cross border power projects
- Project development – Key principles for bankability
- Legal issues: Enforcement in project financing
- Opportunities for developing infrastructure in Asia Pacific
- Pool Financing – An alternate way for financing renewable projects
- Explore new commercial opportunities and the potential new benefits of financial integration
- Learn new trends in structuring project finance deals and manage a wide spectrum of risks
- Develop a strategic approach to negotiation in the contracting process
- Gain insight into successful PPP strategies in Thailand
- Keep abreast of Myanmar and its infrastructure & energy need as a new frontier
- Analyzelatest status of renewable energy project finance in Thailand & key ASEAN countries
To register: please click here.