The due date for annual Tax on Profit (“ToP”) finalization is fast approaching for taxpayers who’s tax year (fiscal year of 31 December 2013) is the Calendar year. ToP regulations present a significant challenge for taxpayers’ compliance in preparation of 2013 annual ToP returns.
Why should you care?
As the tax authorities are becoming more stringent on tax administration and tax compliance, inaccurate self-assessment on tax filing has the potential to be subject to tax recovery and tax penalties. Avoiding these pitfalls and implementing proper procedures is paramount to your business’ success.
To ensure your 2013 annual ToP finalization is lodged in compliance with applicable ToP regulations, DFDL hosted a workshop to outline common issues on ToP finalization and preparation of the annual ToP returns.
Our workshop covered the topics such as taxable income, tax loss utilization, meeting deadlines, recent developments in taxation and many others.
To view the full program, click here.
For event information and inquiries, please click here.